Style: Belgian Golden Strong Ale

ABV: 8.0 IBU: 20.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Epic Brewing Brainless Belgian-style Golden Ale

What the brewers say

“Complex malt flavors and strong influences of fermentation esters from the Belgian yeast.”

What our panel thought

“Spicy nose with some warming hints. Rich malt with light fruit, candy sugar, white-pepper notes. Hop character is an afterthought. Gets more interesting as it warms. Finish is sweeter and softer than a typical golden strong, but it’s still very pleasant.”

What our editors thought

“Welcoming toasty-malt note in the aroma with a bit of hay and distant fruit. Gorgeous silky flavor with a slight ethanol edge.”

Review printed in: Best in Beer 2024 (View All Issues)



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