Style: Lager (Czech-Style Dark, Tmavy)

ABV: 3.8 IBU: 25.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Highland Brewing Co Trailhead

What the brewers say

“Roasty, dry, sessionable Czech-style dark lager with a cold-side coffee addition.”

What our panel thought

“Dark roast coffee aroma, with a slight mocha undertone. The flavor digs deeper into roast, evoking some of the acidity and green pepper notes of a fresh roast coffee. The earthy herbal hops try to pull it further away from a stout, but it needs a little more body and sweetness.”

What our editors thought

“Strong coffee notes in the nose overpower any subtle malt or hop notes. The flavor is thin, watery, with pointed coffee notes that feel unsupported.”

Review printed in: Cold Comforts: Unique Insights From Lager Brewers (June-July 2022) (View All Issues)



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