Style: Session IPA

ABV: 5.0 IBU: 100.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Outer Range Hydrologic

What the brewers say

“A 5.0% Session IPA. Galaxy. Southern Star. Mosaic.”

What our panel thought

Flavor: “Mango hops up front with mild grapefruit citrus and tangerine in the background. Light hops spiciness toward the end. Milky, creamy body with mild carbonation. At the end of the sip there is a slight bitterness from the hops. Good complexity, especially given the light body.”

Overall: “Just what I hope to get in a hazy session IPA—a smooth, slightly sweet and fruity hops-forward ale with a touch of spiciness towards the end of the sip. Could be a good introductory IPA for those who are averse to bitterness.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: Best In Beer 2017 (View All Issues)



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