Style: Lambic, Gueuze, or Spontaneous

ABV: 5.8

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 5

Jester King Brewery 2021 All-Texas SPON

What the brewers say

“Lambic-style beer with all Texas-grown raw ingredients.”

What our panel thought

“Pleasant lightly tart nose with some grassy hop character. Bright lemon dominates at the expense of subtle character. Hints of mushroom, musty cellar mid palate. Abrupt finish with hop bitterness.”

What our editors thought

“A hit of ethyl acetate with minerality in the nose. The sip brings in meatier fruit notes—fibrous peach flesh, pink grapefruit, overripe pineapple—with a subtle hop bitterness.”

Review printed in: In a Belgian Mood (February-March 2022) (View All Issues)



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