Style: Rice Lager

ABV: 4.2 IBU: 10.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 5

Noble Beast Brewing Co. Best Buds

What the brewers say

“American rice lager conditioned on hand-shaved beechwood strips.”

What our panel thought

“Bready yeast aroma first, followed by a grassy backdrop. Low pome fruit aroma. Some Noble hops with just a hint of sulfur. Clean, very light malt-rice flavor. Some floral notes come through in the semisoft finish. Light body, crisp and easy drinking.”

What our editors thought

“Low-key aroma with faint orange and lime blossom floral notes backed by light malt. Soft sip as the bready malt accentuates the sweeter side of the citrus floral notes.”

Review printed in: Lager Levels Up (Fall 2024) (View All Issues)



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