Style: Stout (Dry)

ABV: 4.2 IBU: 37.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 5

Pax Verum Brewing Secret Meeting

What the brewers say

“Notes of roast and coffee give the perception of a full-bodied stout, while being only a ‘half’ stout.”

What our panel thought

“Comes out of the gate strong with a hard-hitting bitter chocolate with hints of slightly burnt coffee. Very inviting roasty malt character. Finishes dry with a slight creamy topping and tastes like a brittle, crumbly, raisiny cookie. Love the intense flavors with none of the intensity in the mouthfeel or finish. A black-coffee lover’s dream that includes a mocha note. Bitter, bold, and very drinkable.”

What our editors thought

“Beautiful amaretto and cacao-nib note in the aroma with a woody background and the faintest berry esters. Direct and uncomplicated in the flavor, with light chocolate and roast malt bitterness that cantilevers out from a light body in an impressive feat of engineering.”

Review printed in: The Expanding Maltiverse (Spring 2025) (View All Issues)



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