Style: Lambic, Gueuze, or Spon with Fruit

ABV: 7.3 IBU: 6.0

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 5

pFriem Family Brewers 2023 Druif Rouge

What the brewers say

“Aromas of watermelon, dark berries; notes of juniper, plum, kiwi.”

What our panel thought

“Light grape aroma, with an acidic background. Clean barn aroma—hay and dusty wood. Flavor is more grape juice and less wine. Pleasant funky complexity in the finish. Base beer is light and dry. Acidity is restrained. Some tannic finish from grape skins.”

What our editors thought

“Broad red wine–grape note in the nose, with a spark of sulfur. Rich, sweet, and sharp in the sip, with firm berry notes but nimble on the palate. Tart finish lingers.”

Review printed in: Best in Beer 2023 (View All Issues)



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