Style: Belgian-style Pale Ale

ABV: 5.5 IBU: 46.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 5

Solemn Oath Brewery Punk Rock For Rich Kids

What the brewers say

“A gentle mosh pit that politely pushes together the floral peach and stone fruit of Azacca hops with the spicy Belgian phenolics of our house Trappist-style yeast.”

What our panel thought

“Drinks like a classic American pale ale. The hop character lends citrus and piney notes, Fruity Pebbles, and Trix on the nose. Tastes just like it smells with a diesely overtone, resiny grapefruit, and sweet, sticky grain. Restrained bitterness lets the malty caramel notes punch through. Just a hint of Belgian character comes through the flavor profile. Bursting with mysterious fruity flavors and a deep, foresty dankness you want to disappear into.”

What our editors thought

“The lack of Belgian-style IPAs makes this beer a hard one to categorize, and we classify retroactively rather than judging to style. Classic PNW hop notes in the aroma with bits of orange, bread, a touch of spruce. The Belgian yeast shines more in the flavor, as the tight phenolic note pushes against the malt-forward body with strong attenuation. The era of ‘Belgian-style IPAs’ has long since passed, but this is a compelling reminder that some lesser-trod paths are worth revisiting.”

Review printed in: Best in Beer 2024 (View All Issues)



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