Style: Saison

ABV: 8.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Funkwerks, Inc. Tropic King

What the brewers say

“Originally designed to be a hoppier version of our flagship Saison, the accidental addition of two extra bags of Munich malt balanced the hops bitterness. Tropical fruit flavors come from the New Zealand hops variety, Rakau.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Fruity esters are more prominent, with slight phenolic spice, but overall relatively restrained for the style. Balance of white pepper phenols and orange. A bit of floral and bready malt. Tangerines and oranges. Floral and fruity.”

Flavor: “As in the aroma, the fruity esters are dominant, primarily apple, apple cider, and pear. Tangerines, oranges, plums, dates. Some light floral and herbal notes. A touch of spice at the back end. Sweetness slowly fades and it finishes moderately dry with slight alcohol warmth.”

Overall: “Some fun fruity esters, but overall a bit less attenuated than I would like. Esters and phenols are fairly balanced with an orange and white-pepper character. A bit of alcohol warmth in the finish lets you know the strength without being overwhelming. Nice carbonation helps it finish well.”

What our editors thought


Ciderie Daufresne Poiré

“Great nose, effervescent, strong fruit initially, then hints of must and perfume. Soft floral, woody notes with light cinnamon. Semisweet, pear-like in its earthiness. Pleasant, refreshing, balanced. Not as tannic as most French ciders.”

Baere Brewing Company Amparo (FKA Saison with Pomace)

“Strong fruity aroma plays coy with the fruit used. Aroma is fermentation-derived with pear, peach, and grape. Light citrus sourness with earthy notes of hay, wood, and barn. Light wine-like finish.”

Upright Brewing Five

**Aroma:** “Heavy prototypical saison esters, with dominant lemon, tangerine, clove phenols, pepper, and pear. Subtle earthy peppercorn spice, with a slight floral, herbal note. Peach and apple character are present in the nose.” **Flavor:** “Surprisingly bitter for style, almost astringent. Yeast esters still present, but fitting for a place at the table with the heavy-handed use of hops. Spicy pepper and herb, grassy lemongrass, grapefruit, and orange. Slight floral iris comes through retronasal. Very light malt sweetness develops into a moderate firm hop bitterness that slowly fades into a dry finish. Carb is medium- to-low for the style.” **Overall:** “A wonderful aroma that promised a tasty saison but was lost in the bitter hops, and a bit of astringency. Fairly classic saison with peppery phenols and lemon citrus esters. This beer was enjoyable, with a mix of fruity and floral, and a nice, dry finish.”


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