Style: Witbier

ABV: 4.8 IBU: 11.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 16
Mouthfeel: 3

Harpoon Brewery UFO White

What the brewers say

“Brewed with orange peel and coriander, UFO White is the perfect choice for a summer’s barbecue, a night out with friends, or any time you’re thirsting for something a little different. Like all UFO beers, we leave UFO White UnFiltered.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “A blend of fruity, herbal, floral, and vanilla. Enjoyable notes of melon and cantaloupe, with ripe orange, tangerine, grapefruit, and a touch of lemon. A hint of nuttiness, with a whiff of cocoa, and a honey floral character.”

Flavor: “The orange dominates on the flavor, along with some raw, grainy wheat, which supports an estery blend of orange, lemon, and vanillin. A great blend of citrus and coriander with the spice ascendant—it’s piney, flowery, and woody. The carbonation is a bit low, and the body drops off very quickly. It’s dry and somewhat thin. Light honeysuckle emerges as it warms.”

Overall: “The orange character is likeable—could use a bit more of the creamy body to go with it. The aroma delivered more than the flavor, with all the herbal and perfumy spice, the melon, nuttiness, and the hit of cocoa. Still, it is very drinkable.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: The Gear Guide (April-May 2017) (View All Issues)



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