Style: Hefeweizen

ABV: 5.1 IBU: 11.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 5

Wallenpaupack Brewing Company Hawley Hefeweizen

What the brewers say

“German-style hefeweizen with prominent flavors of banana and clove.”

What our panel thought

“Excellent presentation—large, off-white, poofy head of tiny bubbles that linger. Moderately grainy bread dough kicks off the aroma, followed by subdued but balanced banana esters along with low clove and black-pepper notes. The appropriately cloudy appearance sets the stage for a soft and creamy mouthfeel that gently carries the rounded grainy sweetness. The flavor matches the aroma with a nice grainy, bready base that supports medium-low banana esters and medium black pepper and clove phenolics. Hints of light vanilla further add to a metered sweet impression that remains supremely drinkable. Overall, very nicely balanced with restraint on esters and phenolics—all of the components play very nicely together.”

What our editors thought

“Very light tropical fruit with a lavender tinge, along with light peppery undertones in the aroma, balanced in a regimented and refined way. The flavor brings hints of these aroma notes, again tightly controlled as the light peppery phenols marshal any freewheeling fruit notes. A masterful doughy malt lends it an airy fluffiness without sweetness—a true pleasure to drink.”

Review printed in: Beyond Barley (April-May 2022) (View All Issues)



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