Style: Witbier

ABV: 5.2 IBU: 20.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Yazoo Brewing Co Funkified Blanche de Nashville

What the brewers say

“Barrel-aged tart witbier.”

What our panel thought

“Tart, with mixed-fermentation character throughout. Aromatics of lemon and orange blend with an earthy, somewhat musty tea-like note in the nose. Floral and spicy on the swallow, with a smooth herbal quality.”

What our editors thought

“Woody, with a tea-like floral aroma and sweet-savory holiday baked-goods tones. Stronger citrus in the sip at the higher end of the spectrum, with fewer mid and bass notes to balance.”

Review printed in: Best in Beer 2024 (View All Issues)



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