Style: Non-Alcoholic

ABV: 0.5

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 4

Athletic Brewing Company Run Wild

What the brewers say

“Brewed with a blend of five Northwest hops. Approachable bitterness balances the specialty-malt body.”

What our panel thought

“Citrus-forward aromas with berries, Juicy Fruit gum, bread crust. Crisp malt bitterness, light bread-crust, orange, lemon in the flavor. Medium-light body. Sweet finish with a firm drying bitterness.”

What our editors thought

“Candied lemon and grapefruit in the nose, with a lightly cooked note. Light and and tightly grained flavor, smooth but obviously NA. Tea-like bitterness with a bit of lemon offers a classic pairing, but it’s very spare.”

Review printed in: Rethinking the Classic Pale Ale (Winter 2023) (View All Issues)


Two Roads Brewing Co Non-Alcoholic American IPA

“Light notes of earthy lemon, stronger notes of lightly dank hopped wort. Faint notes of Earl Grey tea with lemon on the tongue and hops similar to the aroma. Finishes dry with low-medium bitterness that lingers.”

Two Roads Brewing Co Non-Alcoholic Juicy IPA

“Pleasantly tea-like, with a medium-juicy guava-hop aroma. Flavor continues the juicy tropical hop ride with a low bitterness. Moderate carbonation, low body, and a dry finish make this a quite drinkable and refreshing replacement for a hazy pale ale.”

Seventh Son The Wild Hunt

Aroma: “Sweet caramel forward with hints of roasted malts, toffee, alcohol, woody hops, and apples. There’s a slight vegetal note that leans toward moist tobacco and some light bubble gum in the background.” Flavor: “Sweet caramel, toffee, roasted malts, woody hops, smooth, medium-high bitterness, and a warming alcohol that hangs out through the finish. The malt suggests toffee and toast. A touch of baker’s chocolate, some dates and plums, and a bit of grassy American hops, too.” Overall: “With fresh hop flavors, it’s best to drink this right away. More malt complexity and a more robust body would help drive the barleywine point home. Having said that, the English esters with a touch of new school hops makes for an interesting beer.”


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