Style: Barrel Aged Barleywine

ABV: 12.7 IBU: 32.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 4

Saint Arnold Brewing Company Bishop’s Barrel #10

What the brewers say

“Pours a deep ruby with a khaki head. The aroma is caramel, bourbon, and vanilla with slight wood and dark cherry notes. The taste is dark fruit with bourbon notes and toffee sweetness that lingers without being cloying.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Rich malt—caramel, coffee, and cocoa, lots of cherry esters, some coconut. Very friendly but subdued nose overall with a touch of alcohol.”

Flavor: “Flan with cherries! Vanilla, toffee, and pie cherries. Cacao nibs and caramel. Malt is well blended with some nice caramel and toasted notes. Molasses and caramel combine with vanilla and subtle fruit character to make for a complex flavor, balanced between malt and barrel with fruit to support.”

Overall: “Rich and complex. Lighter in body than the appearance suggests. A great sipping beer that comes off as much lighter than it actually is. Nice example of the style. Complex malt flavors work well with the barrel character to form a very balanced, smooth, and surprisingly drinkable barleywine. Find this one immediately.”

What our editors thought



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