Style: Hard Seltzer

ABV: 5.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Black Lung Brewing Company pHizzy: Black Cherry

What the brewers say

“Very clean black cherry–flavored hard seltzer with a nice dry finish.”

What our panel thought

“A strong black-cherry hard-candy aroma. Mild alcohol bite hits the palate first followed by some cherry notes. Light sweetness, but a clean medium-dry finish. The overall impression is that of flavored seltzer water.”

What our editors thought

“Crowd-pleasing bold cherry-cola notes in the nose, in all of their Sonic-like glory. Simple in the sip with minimal sweetness and a low-key cherry finish.”

Review printed in: Rethinking the Classic Pale Ale (Winter 2023) (View All Issues)



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