Style: Pilsner (Czech-Style)

ABV: 4.2 IBU: 20.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 4

Captain Fatty's I Like It A Lot

What the brewers say

“Bready, punchy, with Barke Pils and Saaz hops.”

What our panel thought

“Very low hop aroma, pine and citrus. Malt flavor and hop bitterness complement each other on first impression, but the finish leaves a lingering bitterness. Would like a little more body. Carbonation level is high.”

What our editors thought

“Light, perfumey floral aroma. Light grassy malt in the flavor with balancing grassy hops, but a bit thin in body.”

Review printed in: Lager Levels Up (Fall 2024) (View All Issues)



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