Style: Specialty Ale

ABV: 6.0 IBU: 42.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 16
Mouthfeel: 5

Civil Life Brewing Company Burton-on-Holt Ale

What the brewers say

“Notes of caramel, marmalade toast, toffee.”

What our panel thought

“Brown-malt aromatics with notes of toasted bread, bittersweet chocolate. Moderate earthy hops. Flavor is dominated by caramel and a low level of toffee, with earthiness from the hops. Warming, spicy alcohol. Medium-creamy, smooth body. Good carbonation.”

What our editors thought

“Soft nutty and bready aroma with glints of malt sweetness and a faint whiff of charred beechwood. Trim and reserved grassy hops keep in check the rich bread-crust malt in the sip. Refined and classic.”

Review printed in: The Malt Is the Message (Spring 2024) (View All Issues)



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