Style: Gueuze

ABV: 5.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 5

Brasserie Cantillon Classic Gueuze

What the brewers say

“A blend of one-, two-, and three-year- old lambics, refermented in the bottle.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Big apricot and pineapple, a touch of earthiness and a slight sweet tinge with moderate tartness that pings in the sinus. Low malt and soft Brett notes of hay and horses. Subtle citrus notes and lemon zest are accentuated by the tartness.

Flavor: “A nice balance between the lactic tartness and sharpness with
a funky, earthy character. Citrus sweetness carries in the tartness and has the bitter sharpness of an orange or grapefruit peel. Notes of lemon peel, subtle stone fruit (apricot and peach) and some earthy Brett and spice notes keep everything complex yet grounded. The dry finish accentuates the tartness and Brett character.”

Overall: “Very refreshing and would be amazing on a hot day. The flow from aro- ma to aftertaste is mostly fruit to strong acid with pineapple and Brett notes.
The carbonation wakes it up and keeps the bitterness in check. The Brett wood and funk character (haylike and goaty) provide nice depth and go well with the lactic tartness. Seek out at any cost.”

What our editors thought



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