Style: Stout (Imperial, Flavored)

ABV: 11.2

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 4

Creature Comforts Athens Welcome, My Friends

What the brewers say

“An imperial stout made with 1000 Faces Coffee, roasted almonds, and Ugandan vanilla beans.”

What our panel thought

“Prominent coffee, chocolate, and Brazil nut aroma. Rich chocolate and fudge in the flavor. Sweet but not quite cloying. Dry nutty notes counteract the sweetness and combine with smooth roast coffee in a semisweet finish.”

What our editors thought

“Burnt caramel and roasted nuts in the aroma, with an almost marshmallow vanilla note. Those same notes pull through the sip, refined with a decadent but deliberate feel. Flamboyant, but tightly constructed.”

Review printed in: The Expanding Maltiverse (Spring 2025) (View All Issues)



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