Oskar Blues Brewery Dale's Pale Ale
What the brewers say
“This voluminously hopped ‘mutha’ delivers a hoppy nose and assertive-but-balanced flavors of pale malts and citrusy floral hops from start to finish.”
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Nice hops character and citrus sweetness with muted piney, earthy, and floral hops notes with just a touch of malt sweetness in support.”
Flavor: “Sweet clean hops citrus character with juicy grapefruit and orange complexities, though everything is a bit restrained. Sweet, nutty, and slightly fruity hops flavor balanced with pine and a higher bitterness that helps to mitigate the sweetness.”
Overall: “This beer was crafted well but the hops character is somewhat muted and a bit too one-note. It’s an okay beer, though muted or a bit muddy, and more malty than some. A tasty APA with a nice hops flavor and supportive base beer and malt sweetness. A bit lacking in complexity but still very tasty.”