Style: Barleywine (Wood-Aged)

ABV: 13.5

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 5

False Idol Brewing Velsigne

What the brewers say

“English barleywine aged in bourbon barrels for 16 months.”

What our panel thought

“Caramel and toffee notes are countered by oak-forward vanilla notes and an impression of booziness in the nose. Flavor notes align with the aroma with a healthy boozy note countering the rich, layered, malty sweetness. A decadent but uncomplicated sipper.”

What our editors thought

“Reassuring nutty caramel notes in the aroma with a slight floral flair and the requisite bourbon boost. Refined in the sip with a luxurious but taut texture.”

Review printed in: The Expanding Maltiverse (Spring 2025) (View All Issues)



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