Style: Kombucha (Hard)

ABV: 6.5

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 16
Mouthfeel: 4

Full Sail Brewing Co KYLA Sunbreak Coconut Crush

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What the brewers say

With a hint of coconut, yuzu, and sea salt.  Gluten free, vegan, 1 g sugar, live cultures.

What our panel thought

Coconut is up front in the aroma with the yuzu behind it playing a supporting role. Once you get beyond the initial nasal shock, the combination of unconventional yet surprisingly complementary flavor components creates a remarkably drinkable kombucha. In the flavor, there’s more balance with lots of tropical vibes, and the sea salt is a nice touch. The coconut is mild enough to pick up in the initial aroma and just a tad on the finish, while the yuzu provides just enough citrus to be an overall enhancement. The base kombucha is solid, medium-low acidity with no acetic. 

What our editors thought

Softly tropical coconut on the nose, light and unassuming, with just a bit of tropical fruit. The sip flips the balance, with sweet tropical-fruit notes pushing forward, and the coconut rounding the edges with an earthy sweetness. The tea spice is there, evidenced in a spicy lingering note.



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