Style: Witbier

ABV: 4.8 IBU: 17.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Funkwerks White

What the brewers say

“Raw oats give a smooth mouthfeel. Notes of orange zest and hints of coriander and chamomile.”

What our panel thought

“The aroma presents itself with some spicy, phenolic, somewhat Belgian yeast–derived notes that are quite complex and inviting. On the sip, an interesting battle between malty sweetness and spicy and slightly bitter hops and yeast-derived flavors that contend for the upper hand.”

What our editors thought

“A touch chalky on the nose, and the sip seems undefined with vague hints of bubblegum and the mildest Asian spice. Would pair well with Indian or Thai curry.”

Review printed in: Wheat, Weed, & Kveik (Apr-May 2019) (View All Issues)



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