Style: Blonde Ale

ABV: 5.3

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 4

Garage Brewing Company 951 Blonde Ale

What the brewers say

A golden-hued, well-balanced beer that is crisp and most refreshing.

What our panel thought

Earthy hop aroma with hints of onion, pine, and bread-like malt. The flavor has a mineral edge that brings out some grainy malt, but oxidation mutes the impact. A hint of corn-like sweetness serves to temper the bitterness. Balanced, crisp. There's little to grasp. Not much of a lasting impression.

What our editors thought

A slightly sweaty tropical nose is backed by a touch of honey. On the sip, a slightly murky earthy hit leads, but the finish is lackluster.

Review printed in: Brewing Craft Classics (Feb-Mar 2021) (View All Issues)



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