Style: Witbier

ABV: 4.8 IBU: 20.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 5

Ghostfish Brewing Company Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale

What the brewers say

“A wintry burst of juniper and citrus plus aromatics of banana, citrus, and clove.”

What our panel thought

“Refined coriander as well as a firm but well-integrated limoncello in the nose. More coriander in the taste with subtle lemon mixed with some fruity esters. Great mouthfeel. Notes of grapefruit and black pepper as it warms.”

What our editors thought

“A sharp lime edge plays against softer tropical notes in the nose, with only faint spicy notes. Bold orange with a zesty herbal back note makes for big flavor that doesn’t feel out of place—no orange slice required.”

Review printed in: Beyond Barley (April-May 2022) (View All Issues)



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