Style: Pilsner (German-style)

ABV: 5.2 IBU: 30.0

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 5

Good Word Brewing & Public House Coastline Pils

What the brewers say

“Dry-hopped pilsner.”

What our panel thought

“Sulfury aroma, with dank hops more characteristic of New World varietals. The hop flavor is spicier. Some punchy huskiness contributes to a bold overall flavor and tannic bitterness. The finish isn’t as crisp or clean as it could be, and there’s a lingering thick mouthfeel. A surprising twist. This is a loud and unrestrained pils released from its cage.”

What our editors thought

“Spicy-floral with very light ginger in the nose, crisp and fresh. Spice is prominent in the sip, for a more brash than refined experience.”

Review printed in: Lager Lucidity (Summer 2023) (View All Issues)



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