Style: Flemish-Style Sour

ABV: 6.2

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 5

Brouwerij Rodenbach Grand Cru

What the brewers say

“A blend of one-third young beer and two-thirds beer aged 2 years in oak vats. The oak-matured beer contributes to its fruity taste, complexity, and intensity. The finish is worthy of a great wine.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Cherry, fig, and raspberry tart aromas dominate. Grape notes with a touch of sourness and low malt sweetness. As it warms, grape notes recede and sourness comes forward.”

Flavor: “Flavors of cherry, blackberry, fig, and biscuity malt with a clean lactic sour. The light sourness is well balanced by the round, full-bodied malt character. Lingering sweetness and a dry finish. Some spicy phenolics. Moderate tartness up front that’s mildly fruity. High carbonation with a medium body. Linger is dry with fruity notes and is medium lasting. Acidity is moderately high and balanced by the residual malt character.”

Overall: “Very crisp and refreshing. High fruitiness mixed with high carbonation and a touch of acetic sourness and touch of herbal. The fruity sweetness is complex and well-balanced with a slight acetic sourness. A classic example of the style. Very tasty and smooth. Not super complex, but very nice.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: Wild & Sour (June-July 2016) (View All Issues)


Rodenbach Alexander

Aroma: “Big cherries—like someone just threw a cherry pie in your face, in a pleasant way! Deep stone-fruit aroma. Tartness with just a touch of sweetness.” Flavor: “Cherry flavor is relatively restrained compared to the aroma. There’s a nice underlying melanoidin malt sweetness with hints of dried fruit, and this pairs nicely with the pie-cherry sweetness. The sourness balances well. Light hops bitterness somewhat balances the sweetness.” Overall: “If you like cherries, this is a beer for you. It’s not a one-note wonder, though; there’s a nicely crafted beer underneath that balances well with the fruit and adds dark malt complexity.”

Perennial Artisan Ales Vermilion

**Aroma:** “Rich caramel and even molasses-like malt sweetness up front with a range of fruity esters, including raisin, fig, and apricot. Deep port-like aroma with perhaps a faint whiff of herbal hops. Pleasant alcohol warmth. Slight chocolate and toasted tones show up as it warms.” **Flavor:** “Thick chewy malt base delivers on the promises of the aroma. Good, firm bitterness adds to the overall impression without dominating. Reminds me of a liquid fruitcake in a good way (not citrus fruits, but dark ones). Finishes with a pleasant sweetness that lingers.” **Overall:** “This is a delightful English-style barleywine with each of the elements playing well together. It’s like a fine port—warmth in the finish suggests that it might be a little on the young side, but it’s certainly enjoyable now. Put a few of these away to try annually at the holidays.”

The Bruery Saison Rue

**Aroma:** “Very rich and fruity—dark fruits, cherry, plums, and raisins. Tangy lactic notes. Sweet citrus and malt character with earthy and floral components.” **Flavor:** “Intense sweet honey and dark fruit character with light hop bitterness. Malty sweet and slightly lacto-acidic. Effervescent finish with lingering sweetness—a tad too sweet for the style at this point, but it should dry out over time.” **Overall:** “A nice beer but not as much wild yeast character as expected—little to no funky or sour flavors. Complexity may develop over time. Nice example of a straight Belgian beer, but not quite a saison. No obvious Brett character.”


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