Style: Fruited Golden Ale

ABV: 6.0 IBU: 38.0

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Oskar Blues Guns 'N' Rose

What the brewers say

“Ale brewed with hibiscus and prickly pear.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Faint berry (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, and Marionberry) character in a light neutral beer format. Altogether, the aromatics are very subtle but are boosted by slight malt sweetness and a bit of citrus.”

Flavor: “Very light berry note with neutral malt character. Sweet malt backbone. Sweet citrus (orange, lemon) and floral hops that lead into sweet yet tart berry-like flavors (strawberry, sweet raspberry, blackberry). Finishes clean and slightly sweet.”

Overall: “A super-light beer with a faint berry-like character that has drinkability for a hot day.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: Light Ales + Dark Lagers (Feb-Mar 2019) (View All Issues)



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