Style: Imperial Stout

ABV: 14.0 IBU: 30.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 3

Pure Project Brewing Hazelsaurus Rex

What the brewers say

A massive imperial stout, with a smooth sippability and flavors of hazelnut and coffee that linger on the pal-ate.

What our panel thought

Aromas of hazelnut, waffle cone, vanilla, banana, and chocolate create the image of walking into your neighborhood ice cream parlor. The flavor is distinctly more hazelnut-forward with a nutty sweetness that integrates well with the coffee notes. It drinks like a coffee shop, if you’re into flavored coffees. Think cold brew with hazelnut syrup and sweetener.

What our editors thought

Nutty and decadent gelato notes on the nose play with roast coffee for an almost Italian take on imperial stout. The sip is curiously thin for a beer of this weight, and the sweet hazelnut notes supplant the more deli-cate roast notes.

Review printed in: Stouts for All Seasons (Oct-Nov 2019) (View All Issues)


Pure Project Lost Monarch

“Light nutty chocolate-cake aroma. Full mouthfeel, coffee flavors up front with chocolate syrup and a light, rich nut flavor. An instant reminder of waffle cones with chocolate and hazelnut ice cream.”

Highland Brewing Southern Nouveau Cafe au Lait

Coffee, maple, and chocolate aroma. The sip brings maple-caramel sweetness, roast coffee, and light cinnnamon-spice bitterness; a charred note and warmth round out the sweet, coffee-led finish.

Mother’s Brewing Native Oak Version 2

Whiskey up front with pleasant date and raisin notes at the forefront. Layers of vanilla, barrel-spirit charac-ter, dark fruits, anise, and light chocolate wrap into a cohesive package of flavors. Well-balanced, with a touch of heat at the finish.


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