Style: Brown Ale

ABV: 5.2 IBU: 24.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 5

House Divided Brewery Nutville Brown Ale

What the brewers say

“A malty, brown caramel-centric British ale.”

What our panel thought

“Light coffee malt and hints of chocolate in the aroma. Background woody/floral hops with enough fruity esters to pique one’s interest. Soft dried apricot. Coffee and dark chocolate in the malt dominate the flavor with a light sweetness in the finish. Balancing bitterness.”

What our editors thought

“Nutty coffee aroma with a hint of chocolate. Slightly bitter coffee in the sip, with a smooth cold-brew edge, and just a hint of bracing malt tannin.”

Review printed in: The Expanding Maltiverse (Spring 2025) (View All Issues)



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