Tree House Beer Company Julius
What the brewers say
“Bursting with pungent American hops, Julius is bright and juicy, filled with flavors and aromas of mango, peach, passion fruit, and a mélange of citrus juice. It has a soft, pillowy mouthfeel and rounded bitterness.”
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Peaches, oranges, mango, passion fruit, tangerine, grapefruit, and even a touch of pine—it’s a punch in the nose with a fruit cart. I think I consumed a serving of fruit just through the aroma.”
Flavor: “Peach and pine carry through from the aroma and are augmented by some dank-ish notes. Some moderate malt sweetness is there, but the emphasis remains ever on the hops goodness. Pleasant bitterness backs up the ensemble and delivers its own tangerine-like notes as it washes down the throat.”
Overall: “A big citrus/tropical fruit bomb with enough malt sweetness to temper the bitterness. A beautiful IPA, both visually and on the palate. I can almost picture someone cramming hops into the bottle or can. A wonderful use of hops that doesn’t try to get too fancy with anything else and just delivers an amazing hops-forward beer.”