Founders Brewing Company KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout)
What the brewers say
What we’ve got here is an imperial stout brewed with a massive amount of coffee and chocolates, then cave-aged in oak bourbon barrels for an entire year to make sure bourbon undertones come through in the finish.
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Bourbon barrel up front with notes of vanilla and almond. Coffee is very pleasant, with a note of espresso and fresh ground coffee beans. Malt sweetness helps balance coffee. The vanilla, slight coconut, and boozy character add complexity.”
Flavor: “Coffee notes of espresso and barrel notes of bourbon blend nicely up front, with a bit of caramel malt sweetness to support. Finish is a bit sweet with a slight coffee lingering note. Initial chocolaty sweetness fades quickly. Light earthy hops bitterness. Coffee character is faintly nutty and caramel-like. Very smooth. Boozy warmth in the finish adds to this beer.”
Overall: “A wonderful barrel-aged coffee stout that executes every aspect very well. Coffee is smooth, without being overly bitter or roasty. Caramel malt sweetness helps support. Very flavorful and complex.”