Style: IPA

ABV: 6.5 IBU: 60.0

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 2
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 3

Ommegang Nirvana IPA

What the brewers say

"Nirvana IPA is kettle-hopped with Bravo, Simcoe, Centennial, Topaz, and Mosaic, dry-hopped with Centennial, Citra, Simcoe and Amarillo and clocks in at 6.5% ABV and 60 IBUs. The flavor is hoppy, juicy and citrusy goodness – without harsh bitterness"

What our panel thought

Aroma: "Floral hop qualities bordering on soapy, some citrus and underlying caramel sweetness. Very lackluster head retention."

Flavor: "Light body, medium bitterness, clean dry malt character. Hops dominate and bring an intense orange zest and pith character with the bitterness of the zest clinging to your palate. Other citrus notes are sprinkled in. Finish is dry and the bitterness lingers."

Overall: "An orange dominating hop character IPA with aggressive bitterness for big IBU fans."

What our editors thought

Review printed in: The Annual IPA Issue (August-September 2018) (View All Issues)



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