Samuel Adams Noble Pils
What the brewers say
“This unique Pilsner showcases all five noble hops from the world’s oldest growing regions for a distinct, complex hops character. The floral, citrusy aroma and flavors from the noble hops are balanced by the honeyed malt notes of special Bohemian spring barley, for a crisp, fresh taste.”
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Almost dried fruit (raisin-like) esters that dissipate as it warms. Sweet malt aromas of biscuit and bread. Retronasal brings a bright citrus punch and a few other esters.”
Flavor: “Moderate biscuit and subtle bread-like malt flavors. Low noble hops flavors that are much in the background. Slightly sticky mouth-coating finish that is more malt than hops. The citrus hops add an unexpected complexity.”
Overall: “Somewhat muddled. Missing the crisp refreshing character of a Pilsner.”