Style: Sweet Stout

ABV: 6.2 IBU: 28.0

Aroma: 10
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Alaskan Brewing Oatmeal Stout

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What the brewers say

“The unique blend of the oats and malts in Alaskan Stout produce a balanced, smooth beer with hints of coffee and caramel.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “The toffee, nutty, and buttery caramel notes dominate the nose. Roasted malt is secondary to that, and there’s a low, earthy, grassy hops aroma. More notes of sweetness, cream, oatmeal, chocolate, raisin, licorice, sherry, plums, and sweet molasses are also present.”

Flavor: “Dark roasted notes with a great nutty flavor of almonds comes through on the first sip, along with chocolate and mint. Raisin, licorice, molasses, dark fruits, earthy hops, and toast are also present. The beer is creamy throughout, but the carbonation is a little high and offsets some creaminess. Slight roast astringency on the finish.”

Overall: “This is a nutty beer that really allows the oats to come through and the roast to play a secondary role, making it a balanced beer with a good level of complexity despite its drinkability. The creaminess and chocolate malt sweetness carried through the most, and it tasted slightly different than the aroma. Overall, pretty good.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: Sweet, Roasty, and Delicious (February-March 2017) (View All Issues)



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