Style: Imperial Stout

ABV: 8.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 4

Heavy Seas Beer Peg Leg

What the brewers say

“This imperial stout pours an opaque mahogany with a tan head. Notes of roasted coffee beans, with a slight hint of chocolate, dominate the aroma, but Simcoe and Fuggle hops add complexity. The roasted barley complements the bitterness from the Warrior hops.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Rich malty and roast character with very light fruit and some alcohol notes. Sweet chocolate, caramel, and nice coffee notes round out the malt forward nose. Toffee, caramel, butterscotch, moderate sweetness, and no heat.”

Flavor: “Bitter chocolate and dry cocoa carry through from the start through the finish. Sweet dark fruit, raisins, and prunes add to the sweetness. Roasted malt character increases in the finish, with nice coffee qualities. Some alcohol warmth in the finish.”

Overall: “Very tasty and enjoyable, but this is an understated imperial stout: a mild example for simple pleasures. Malt sweetness and roast character come together well, and warmth adds nice complexity. Mouthfeel is nice and keeps you coming back for another sip.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: The Dark Side (Winter 2014) (View All Issues)



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