Style: Wild Ale

ABV: 7.2

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 5

Perennial Artisan Ales Elliot

What the brewers say

Dry, with a clean lactic bite. It finishes with complex Brett and light oxidation that we find beautiful in beers like this.

What our panel thought

Lemony-herbal aroma—Italian seasoning, shortbread cookies, peaches, cranberries, graham crackers. Citric-tart and herbal flavor with light leathery funk and balanced bitterness. Subtle, complex, surprising. I want to use it as a marinade. Tasty.

What our editors thought

Distinct herbal note on the nose suggests thyme, Thai basil, lime leaf. Flavor is a compelling sweet-sour take; a rounded sweet and warming note softens the citric edge while reining in bright bitterness. Lingering herbal notes offer depth.

Review printed in: Brewing Craft Classics (Feb-Mar 2021) (View All Issues)



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