Style: American IPA

ABV: 6.5 IBU: 69.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 4

Gilman Brewing Quarter Panel

What the brewers say

"Massive tropical/dank/citrus aroma and flavor from... Amarillo, Simcoe, and Mosaic hops."

What our panel thought

"Pineapple and grapefruit aroma; stripe of vanilla and low, dough-like malt. Round, medium-high bitterness with fresh, grassy hop flavor; rolls through light sweetness and brief juicy tang to a defined bitter finish. Aromatic, round, compelling, and finishes clean."

What our editors thought

"Lightly toasted bread and soft tropical citrus on the nose. The sip offers a touch of sweetness to amplify the fruitier flavors, reining it in quickly with an equally pitched bitterness. Leans big."

Review printed in: Better Than Ever: IPA (August-September 2020) (View All Issues)



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