Style: Mexican-Style Lager

ABV: 5.6 IBU: 17.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 18
Mouthfeel: 5

10 Torr Distilling & Brewing Secret Cove Cerveza

What the brewers say

“Named for Tahoe’s best-kept secret, this Mexican-style lager is best served ice cold on the beach, naked—that is, without a lime. It doesn’t need one.”

What our panel thought

“Crisp cracker and herbal Noble hops intertwine with slight skunk—complementary and inviting. Great balance between sweetness and bitterness. Finishes quickly. Every sip is fluffy and delicate. I could see myself drinking quite a bit of this on a hot summer day while doing yard work. You’d swear a bit of citrus was snuck into this.”

What our editors thought

“Rides the delicate line between simple drinkability and characterful expression. Clean and light, yet soft and accessible, with nicely balanced light malt and faint bitterness.”

Review printed in: Living the Lager Life (June-July 2020) (View All Issues)



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