Stone Brewing Company Stone Coffee Milk Stout
What the brewers say
Originally brewed as a limited edition offering, this coffee-laced milk stout quickly became a favorite. Made bittersweet and creamy while remaining smooth and easy drinking thanks to the addition of milk sugar.
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Lactose sweetness, hints of coffee and chocolate. Light-to-moderate hops aroma—earthy, spicy. Some intense dark malt flavors, ranging from black licorice to intense roast. Mild cold-brewed coffee notes. Reminiscent of freshly ground coffee beans.”
Flavor: “Strong notes of roasted malt and coffee with a touch of caramel malt sweetness. Coffee comes through a bit too bitter and lingering in the finish, but not unpleasant. Tastes of a sweet iced coffee. Light lactose sweetness with light roast and low-moderate hops bitterness—surprisingly high for the style. Finish is spicy, crisp, and lightly bitter.”
Overall: “Enjoyable, but a little sharp for a milk stout. A nice display of coffee flavor, but the base beer doesn’t entirely hold up against it. Could use a bit more sweetness to support, but any coffee aficionado will like this one.”