Style: Blonde Ale

ABV: 5.3 IBU: 20.0

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 16
Mouthfeel: 5

Sun King Brewing Orange Vanilla Sunlight Cream Ale

What the brewers say

Combines smooth malt character with the flavors of vanilla and orange, all with a crisp, clean finish.

What our panel thought

Aroma: Orange creamsicle, orange creamsicle... oh, and a light note of orange creamsicle. Heavy-handed vanilla. Flavors are muted by comparison. Slight malt attempts to hold it together. Underlying acidic edge and pith. One-dimensional. An Orange Julius beer. A nice grapefruit-hops element bolsters the finish.

What our editors thought

Full-on orange creamsicle nose with chalky Pez—intense, overpowering. The sip is more restrained: a touch of grainy malt, orange notes, light sweetness. Flavor ends up unsupported and thin, given the aromatic intensity.

Review printed in: Brewing Craft Classics (Feb-Mar 2021) (View All Issues)



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