Style: Dry-hopped Quick Sours

ABV: 4.5

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 4

To Øl Sur Simcoe

What the brewers say

“At 4.5 percent ABV, this is sure to be a winner, a low pH means the beer stays fresher longer and offers everyone the chance to knock back glass after glass of session sour IPA.”

What our panel thought

Aroma: “Moderate spiciness with tart lemongrass and herb, perhaps basil.Fresh hops volatiles dominate the nose, with notes of grassy, dank, citrus, and lemon. Spicy, citrus, mango notes very prominent. Smells very fresh.”

Flavor: “The flavor is complex and unique. Sour up front with a nice hops flavor of light lemongrass and grapefruit, and a bit of mint. Light hops bitterness appears toward the end of the sip, but in the background. It finishes fruity and tart, with light lemon citrus flavor.”

Overall: “Nice sourness balanced with a big lemongrass and grapefruit hops flavors. Complex and balanced, a lot of flavors in there! The hops in this kettle sour worked well—the flavors didn’t necessarily blend together, but the discourse was not unpleasant and added complexity. Each flavor by itself is inviting and intriguing, yet together the flavors are competing for the top dog.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: The Art of Tart (October-November 2016) (View All Issues)



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