Style: Saison

ABV: 8.5 IBU: 38.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 20
Mouthfeel: 5

Boulevard Brewing Company Tank 7

What the brewers say

A straw colored, light-to-medium bodied beer with an earthy, spicy, grapefruit aroma and flavor, a soft, sweet malt flavor and a prominent hop bitterness. Beginning with a big surge of fruity aromatics and grapefruit-hoppy notes, the flavor of this complex, straw-colored ale tapers off to a peppery, dry finish.

What our panel thought

Aroma: “A strong, excellent aroma with moderate saison spice character. Citrusy orange, lemon, and grapefruit with moderate wheat and Pilsner malt sweetness and some floral notes. Lots of earthiness and some banana esters. Hops seem more American than is typical.”

Flavor: “Tastes like a lemon Sweet Tart! Malt sweetness with lemon and slightly spicy notes. Earthy without being funky. An almost rose-like hop note and nice, big fruity banana esters. Highly carbonated with a crisp, dry finish.”

Overall: “Strong flavors, but very nice. Floral, perfumey, citrusy, and insanely lemony. A balanced, complex, refreshing beer. Lots of carbonation: It stings and leaves you wanting more.”

What our editors thought

Review printed in: The Summer of Saison (Summer 2014) (View All Issues)


Boulevard Brewing Co. The Sixth Glass

**Aroma:** “Fruit at the front, with notes of banana, plum, pear, cherry, and apple. Slight clove and a moderate malt sweetness—mostly biscuit and a hint of caramel. Slight alcohol note.” **Flavor:** “Biscuity malt and fruit mingle nicely with notes of white bread, cara- mel, red apple, cherry, and plum. Finish is pleasantly balanced, considering the richness of the malt, making it very drinkable. Nice alcohol warmth to help the beer finish dry and medium-high carbonation level. Properly balanced.” **Overall:** “Classic example of the style that is very well executed. Nice play with malt and yeast character, and a surprisingly balanced, perhaps even dry, finish. It doesn’t break new ground, but offers a relaible and tasty experience with appropriate sweetness and nice fruit character.”

Boulevard Brewing Long Strange Tripel

**Aroma:** “Everything is there: black pepper, bananas, tree fruits, and hint of alcohol, but it’s all a bit subdued. Light refreshing spiciness with a hint of hops and a breath of sweet malt.” **Flavor:** “Initially sweet and spicy with some citrus. Appropriate level of bitterness and carbonation. Grain malt sweetness followed by restrained but obvious esters of bubblegum and ba- nanas and a touch of lemon peel. Floral hops flavor followed by a not unpleasant bitterness. Off-dry finish could benefit from just a smidge more attenuation. High carbonation, and the beer finishes with a fruity alcohol kick.” **Overall:** “A little more subtle than the usual tripel. Neither 100 percent classic nor 100 percent avant garde, this take on a tripel will satisfy fans of the style looking for something a touch different while still pleasing those who prefer a classic interpretation.”

Firestone Walker Brewing Company Opal

**Aroma:** “Nice floral rose notes with some pepper and sweetness from the malt. Lemony citrus with a faint hint of solvent and prominent peppercorn. Noble hop aroma and light continental malt sweetness.” **Flavor:** “Balance of moderate malt sweetness and fruity character with slight herbal spice. Some earthy hop and slight funkiness. Very nice fruity character and moderate tartness. Good balance. Effervescent, dry finish.” **Overall:** “Liked this one a lot, but really hard to articulate exactly why. Tartness is excellent and well balanced. Well hopped, but not over-hopped. A very drinkable, beautiful beer. Excellent saison.”


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