Bend Brewing Tropic Pines IPA
What the brewers say
Brewed with English base malt and Simcoe, Mosaic and Falconer’s Flight hops. Tropical fruit and pine domi-nate.
What our panel thought
Resinous pine aroma is almost a little sticky. The flavor expands on this, with orange, grape, and a bit of green pepper. The bitterness blooms on your tongue but never overpowers the rest of the flavor. The bitter resin finish stays with you as a pleasant reminder. Strong malt balance supports the beer.
What our editors thought
A sweaty locker-room funk settles into dank and citrus notes as it warms. On the tongue, it’s warm and fa-miliar with a slightly sweeter approach that complements the citrus notes, but the finishing bitterness scrubs the palate for the next sip.