Style: Belgian Golden Strong Ale

ABV: 7.7

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 19
Mouthfeel: 5

Urbanrest Brewing Company Wine Barrel Blonde

What the brewers say

“Blonde ale fermented with monastery yeast. Conditioned in French oak red-wine barrels.”

What our panel thought

“Assertive oak with vanilla strands. Light chardonnay wine grape and sourdough. Light spice hiding among the low bitter notes from the hops. Solid tannic structure. Elegant complexity.”

What our editors thought

“A bit of bold wine in the nose, chardonnay-like in woody intensity, leads into a straw-driven body with just a glint of tropical fruit around the edges. The wine character builds as it warms.”

Review printed in: In a Belgian Mood (February-March 2022) (View All Issues)



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