Style: Stout (Barrel-aged, Flavored)

ABV: 12.56

Aroma: 12
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 5

WeldWerks Brewing Co. Medianoche: Vanilla Moonlight

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What the brewers say

“Aged in bourbon barrels then in vanilla-extract barrels. Finished on a blend of vanilla beans.”

What our panel thought

“Strong oak dominates the aroma, with hints of vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, roast. Thick body, like Hershey’s syrup, with a flavor to match. Medium cherry and dark-fruit esters appear in the sweet, long-lasting finish. Plenty of warming in the chest.”

What our editors thought

“Marshmallow candy nose, intense and unforgiving. The sip finds more balance with a silky richness and balanced integrated marshmallow notes.”



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