Shiner / Spoetzl Brewery White Wing
What the brewers say
“This beer rules the roost. Brewed with authentic Belgian yeast and hints of coriander and orange peel, White Wing has all the spice and citrus aroma of a true-to-style Belgian wheat ale. Slightly sweet and highly drinkable, it’s a delightfully odd bird.”
What our panel thought
Aroma: “Strong, perfumey coriander with deep, earthy notes, backed up by a light, sweet wheat aroma.”
Flavor: “Big coriander notes! Crisp and refreshing with a good carbonic bite. Clear but creamy mouthfeel
(almost like Cream of Wheat) with a nice grainy sweetness in the background. Well balanced with some tartness and a crisp, slightly cidery finish.”
Overall: “Good example of the style except for an odd earthy aroma. But very clean and refreshing. Spices are well balanced with the malt. Refreshing and herbal character is showcased. An easy drinking wit, but if you don’t like coriander, you won’t like this beer!”