Style: Brown Ale

ABV: 5.4 IBU: 11.0

Aroma: 11
Appearance: 3
Flavor: 17
Mouthfeel: 5

Yazoo Brewing Co Dos Perros

What the brewers say

“Wonderfully bready malt aroma, balanced with some maize sweetness and a Noble-hop finish.”

What our panel thought

“Lightly toasted malt aroma, more drying than sweet. Light floral esters and hop aroma. Light body with background toast flavors. Malt sweetness very restrained, hops appropriately low. Finishes fairly dry. Very drinkable.”

What our editors thought

“Roasted-chestnut aroma with a bit of charred oak. Lighter in the flavor as a very slight corn note heightens the perceived sweetness and just a touch of hop bitterness keeps it in check.”

Review printed in: The Expanding Maltiverse (Spring 2025) (View All Issues)



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