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We Are All Garage Beer Drinkers Now

Lagers are on the rise, and so are light beers and larger packs. Craft beer is looking more like supermarket beer, but there are good reasons why—and is it really such a bad thing?

Joe Stange Nov 22, 2020 - 5 min read

We Are All Garage Beer Drinkers Now Primary Image

The one time I was lucky enough to attend the Great Taste of the Midwest in Madison, Wisconsin, back in 2012, I was asking people if they thought anything was different about Midwestern beer, as opposed to the rest of the country. One guy, Jeffrey Glazer, a lawyer and beer geek, had the best answer: garage beer.

“While it might be great to have a sour beer, an IPA, whatever, we’re really looking for something we can buy a 12-pack of or the case that we can keep in the garage,” Glazer said. “We throw that in the garage, and that’s what we drink.

“What we’re really looking for is something that we can drink every single day, because that’s when we’re going to drink it.”

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