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When to Blend Your Beer

Blending is an important tool for homebrewers to have in their arsenal.

Tom Wilmes Jan 6, 2016 - 7 min read

When to Blend Your Beer Primary Image

Blending is a useful method to fix a problem in a beer or to bring it closer to established style guidelines, as well as to bring an older brew back to life by blending in fresh beer, to dial in a recipe quickly, to achieve consistency between batches, to create layers of complexity in a beer, or even to invent a new style.

Duncan Bryant, a homebrewer and Web coordinator at the American Homebrewers Association, shares some thoughts on when and why homebrewers might consider blending.

To fix a beer or bring it within style parameters

Pick out the flaw in your beer and envision what you can do to reduce its presence. This method isn’t intended to create an outstanding beer, but to make a crummy one a bit more drinkable—and to save it from the drain.

To freshen up older beer

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